Time Saliently/Silently Decaying
Life is measured in time. The shortness of the duration of a life makes it that much more meaningful, every moment gaining value by being so fleeting and ephemeral. And yet, as we grow older, we find that we lose time more easily, something Douglas Hofstadter believes is inevitable as we accumulate experiences and chunk larger and larger segments of our life. Research now suggests even on the very small time scale of minutes, the diversity of our visual experiences influences our very perception of time. I hope this video helps you sense that.
The Brain is Always Singing
A fun project using mostly what I already had coded up for a research project looking at connected oscillators in the brain. The oscillators (like pendulums!) are connected by the actual anatomical connections from an average brain and have random driving inputs (like wind on a pendulum). Both the colored spheres and the music are synced to the simulated oscillator data. So to me this is what a resting brain - a brain not necessarily engaged in a task - sounds like. The music is generated using piano notes connected to the oscillator activity and the location influences frequency. Color is orange when positive and purple when negative. And size changes with intensity.